this started out as a graffitti post, but as i was collecting photos it became much more about colors (yes, fall colors), textures and the unexpected ways beauty hits us in the face.
somewhere on potaissa street...scary and compelling and you can take it however you want it |
'ana is here'. ana is the main character of my draft - i like-hate her, she was modelled on me, and also ana is a very common name. ana is...romania, the world. "ana has got apples" is one of the first sentences one is taught how to write in have to wait a bit more for 'ana is here'. but here we are. |
and the bigger one, right next to it, half erased...the very visible part reads "...and the stamps were moaning..." and i was like WHA'? for a bit, then, ok, deciphering everything : "even the stamps were moaning when i licked them". right! |
transitioning to asphalt-grey background: a collection of clay figurines, displayed right on the walkable space in the middle of central boulevard. |
i couldn't climb high enough to get a view of what the larger shape was supposed to look like |
entrance to cafe 'insomnia' - this pic was taken less for the crazy colors than for the (1) mouldings on the walls - these are amazing old buildings all over downtown - and (2) for the cheap pink lights, which to me spell 'damp cold weather' |
surface of an 'insomnia' table: wine stain, ash and art |
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