another picture load from my parents' place in arcalia , brought to you by the color red and the limitations of my camera in capturing it.
the apple crop of this year...i conveniently wasn't there for the picking. |
and one of my favourite color pairings. the grapes were good too. |
i know it's broken, but look how pretty! my father refused to pick these before, saying he's leaving them to 'develop' - here's to development! |
ok, here's where i complain about my camera: those bushes are visibly purplish, and the flowers are more standard red. here they look like pretty much the same shade, which they distinctly aren't in real life |
hah see? the colors look better from a distance. also - standard view of the house in the fall, i guess. |
linda, the neighbours' dog, had a road-crossing accident and is still limping. (why do i feel compelled to add that her name comes from spanish, in all probability, as opposed to from some american series?) | |
and we are going for a walk! in the arcalia park right next to my parents' property. this park was the site of residence of a hungarian grof, and then it somehow became possession of my former university; they're supposed to be using it for research/retreats but it's not very obvious what ever is going on there. there is a gate (pretty much always open) but we can also get in through our fence. |
this is always a theme of out nature outings: my father insists to pick mushrooms and my mother insists she won't cook them because she's scared of poisoning. then he brings them home and possibly cooks them (it takes him 5 hours more than it would take her), then he and i eat, then she waits to see if we're ok and only then she eats. |
more of my weak attempts to capture the red! |
and me in the red coat worn not out of matchy purposes, but dire necessity (daytime isn't bad, but after dark it gets damn cold) |
this is what's left of the japanese garden in the park, where my mum and dad came to have a picnic on their first out-of-town date, some 34 years ago. i get to hear this story pretty often, believe me, but this is the first time the 3 of us made it to this garden-space together. |
my mum, demonstrating the virtues of layering. (also, me to her: "you're as small as a tree hollow!" mean, i know) |
most calendar-appropriate photo i managed on this walk |
this is the main building of the whole arcalia park complex, the former owner-of-the-land's residence with obvious recent renovation. i had to be supported to climb a stump to take this photo from somewhere upper, to include all the crazy russian-type cupolas. then we had to sort-of run, because we were trespassing and a dog had started barking...?!?! i mean i doubt anyone would much object some people just walking up and down these alleys, but whatever |
this is apparently the grave of the former owner's son, who drowned while swimming in the river with the village children |
and the fir tree alley, shaky photo but i like it |
and a clearer one to include the birdhouse plus more red |
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