fair weather news

i've been waiting for spring so i can show Rada the magnolias. oh, and so i can put dresses on her. none of which has come to pass yet, but we're almost there - at least with the magnolias. every winter in montreal seems to be the longest yet, ugh.

children are impatient too. at least when you get to draw on asphalt you know good/better things are coming 
mid-april we had a couple of days of freezing rain, which from the safety (depressing, but safe) of our house looked like this
then, very soon after, the front of every building is full of tiny flowers. nothing more than crocuses, snowdrops and dandelions yet. and no leaves, just the blooms of everything on every bush and tree
it was about time we got pictures of the three of us. of course the best way is to ask a third party (a fourth party?:)), but the most spontaneous is always the old selfie. this batch of first selfies was supposed to celebrate our first marriage anniversary. yes, we are that old - even the baby is 3 month old now. and, oh joy, we've each graduated to spring clothes, according to our needs: b. in his hoodie, me in the leather jacket but still with voluminous scarf, Rada in her brand new-from-friperie plushie jacket which always has people taking her for a boy ("no, it's a girl, we just really like blue!": no kidding, all 3 jackets that i have for her to wear in spring are various shades of blue/navy)

i thought this was very wuthering heights - is it just me? let me know in comments:)


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