daddy's girl

forgive the cheesy title; just a small collection of b.+ rada pics.
of course she likes him more than me! she smiles every time she sees him. he is the fun person - but also (have i said this before?) much better at handling her, because i panic every time she cries. well, not every time now, since we've clarified her main reasons for crying (1) wet diaper; 2) hunger; 3) stuffed nose; 4) need for attention). but some of the times. b. just takes everything in stride. i dunno, he's done more babysitting of small kids when he was young, but it's also a personality thing.

honestly i expected my kid to be darker, but where would be the fun of the contrast?
i take pictures of them all the time, because just look at that, how can you not? while apparently every time i am with rada i either change diapers or i breastfeed, which does not inspire him to take pictures. also the first few weeks i was probably crying non-stop and wasted from non-sleeping, so not really photo-worthy.
rare picture of rada crying and b. trying to bite her cheek. the things that go on in this house!
accessories: headphones for him, and socks worn as mittens for her (her hands are always cold - she gets that from me!)
outside in the new spring weather. b. was wearing her all the time during winter, but i've decided to try it too from now on - for exercise, and also because it's a good photo op finally. especially that in the new spring coat one at least gets to see a bit of her face. (she is so good when we go out! she sleeps most of the time and only makes sounds when she gets very hungry.
who needs a special pillow for propping the baby? not us! (also ask me in private about the revolutionary indian method for bathing babies, lol)
everybody in the house but me can fit cozily in bed and watch anime 
i think i'm both psychologically and physically incapable of doing certain moves with my kid, so these two win at the excitement stakes


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