so, as i was saying: all of a sudden, 12-15 degrees and sun, and we're supposed to forget everything that happened these past 4 months. okay then...
anyway, my new camera arrived in the mail, so that means my restlessness at least doubled. but still still not walking as much as i want yet, because (1) residues of cold; (2) still on sort of a nightowl schedule, i.e. sleeping 4 to 10-ish; (3) Blue Met festival. yes i'm going to blame some poets and some authors' panels for keeping me from walking. thank you.
new normal: leather jacket. though i'm still nursing a sore throat from maaaaybe getting it out a few days too soon. |
sunset in my neighbourhood, coming back from classes around 7.30 |
again, 7.30-ish to 8, walking from my workplace to Blue Metropolis, taking inventory of all the new-to-me murals on the way |
purple is somehow reocurring in this post, but it's my favourite color so all is fine with me |
tonight, around 7, walking through parc jeanne mance on my way to taking a bus north. good light. |
i'll have a lot of free time for walking soon, but i also think maybe i should learn more about what this camera can do. so far i've been pointing and clicking with great joy and abandon, cause it's a great step up from my dear old dead camera, which has been recently known to die after each photo. |
slack rope. metaphors for my life etc:) |
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