just a few odd bits and pieces that haven't warranted a full blog post so far.
right on the edge of spring, a fun board welcoming passer-bys on st-denis. as far as i can tell, the store sells a variety of mushroom-based art/decorative stuff. i'm crazy for mushrooms, who else is with me?:) Giulia, this is a bit like the pole asking for a head. i don't know how long the respective boutique will keep this display, but if it's still there when you come to montreal, we have a great photo op! |
window of "notre dame du rosaire", home of the best natas of the Plateau.
(quick, spot the spelling mistake! it's not hard)
this reflects the window across the street, of my actual workplace, cafe replika....
...home of countless chocolate chip cookies and latte art and sweet breads and turkish coffee and bagels, and a pretty amazing borek.
i never seem to get the chance, in this blog format, to talk about my work, mostly because my slumming has stopped being interesting a few years ago. but i still like it and think it's worthy of mention. |
me, laughing at myself re: my recent reading habits. i am too poor to buy books, so my second-hand book-buying has slowly morphed into just picking up stuff from exchange mini-libraries on the street. (also my library card has expired and the only time i seem to remember this and feel an impulse to act is on mondays, when the library is closed.)
anyway, this gem by THE Dr. Laura (conservative talk-show host, from what I hear) ...is kind of what it looks like it is: giving women tough talk about their choices in life, because who else can there be to blame?
companion piece: "He's just not that into you".
(various people: "carmen, why do you read that bullshit?"
carmen: "right now it makes me feel pretty good about my life.") |
i learned about gaston miron the best possible way: by dating a very nice francophone man last fall.
from which i came out with an unhealthy obsession for this poem/song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvvCgDkyhSk
i always feel ashamed of taking in too little quebec culture in the bubble i live in. and this strange little "installation" on laurier/st denis makes me feel a little bit in-the-know every time i pass it by.
plus, good, touching poetry, you guys! |
my friend matt's family is kind of the owner of this logo( http://www.hippytree.com/heritage/)
but the sticker can get disseminated in various ways, all to do with friendship and travel. i met matt 12 ys ago , and it makes me happy to this day to spot a "hippy tree" on a random gate in the world. this, recently in mile end. |
at linda's, deconstructed matrioshka. with no comment. |
once long ago in another lifetime:) there was an inside joke about a teddy bear.
this ruined teddy bear seems somewhat connected to that.
second layer comes when i find out from someone a lot more pop culture-savvy than me that the qoute is from this song:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ew_c5ewoVQk
makes sense. |
you know, this is just cute. |
again, from my collection of free books gathered from library exchanges, please to laugh at my current interests etc
no but seriously.
i am putting some of them back, i swear. i have donated and given away books in my life before. come on. |
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