christmas at 16 degrees

i don't remember a warmer christmas, even in romania. at least i was glad that it didn't rain - sunny and windy is better than rainy in my books almost anytime.
it's always about the eve to me - "the day of" any celebration is quiet gluttony or dozing off, optional hangover etc. but eves are complicated here, cause i have an eve around noon, and then one around my midnight. somehow i manage (at least for christmas) to get excited and disappointed/wound down both times, in this quick succession.
i was saying it's been a weird year, but the vibe now at the end is good, busy and scattered, which i can totally live with. so on the night of the 23rd i was doing laundry after 8 (the lady at the laundromat must be rolling her eyes at me inwardly), then going to provigo in the rain, then cooking (!!) from midnight to way past 2 a.m. just because: it's somehow my duty to have a clean-ish place to be in alone on christmas  and a lot of decent-looking food to eat alone on christmas.
so then next morning i was still tired, and haggard, as if i were a burnt out responsible adult with a whole family to feed and keep in line. (well, i have the 2 cats).

this is tina's new favourite spot. i like how she's sitting on top of "cats for dummies". at first i had to make some space for her to manage to climb, and one time she actually tried to jump up and fell and i laughed at her.
anyway, isn't she the cutest?
luna sniffing my christmas decorations
they were not very interesting
nothing is more interesting than sleep these days
so, no christmas tree, duh. i barely managed to get this poor bouquet of branches that i can't even hang stuff from, but i just had to show off all my accumulated ornaments, so here goes, christmas basket - sort of a weird concept. 

aaaand sarmale. my father thinks they're too big. tough luck, this is my first time even attempting to do this traditional cooking stuff, so i personally think i should be praised, but whatever. they are edible.
not pictured: cake. mostly because i ate most of it. also because i've made cake before.
so in the afternoon i decided to take a walk. it was one of those days where being on my own is perfect and appropriate. when i have nothing to do, other than desire to do nothing, and no obligation because everyone else is busy elsewhere. plus it was october weather, and i hadn't even walked in my neighbourhood in weeks.

decorations are everywhere, but some are just cuter than usual

first time i get to take a picture of this mural, and with sunlight on the walls!
and the wind singing in this random chime
and important news posted on a garage door, which explains a lot

and people taking advantage of their live, existing trees
in the park, it's just an ordinary thursday afternoon, outside of the season
the sun now sets after 16:30, and the days are only growing, yay
still my favourite spot in all of montreal.
except my home, where i am now safely ensconced with my internets, wishing you exciting holidays

p.s. thanks family for live-videochatting with me during your christmas dinner. that was fun! half of the cats appreciated it too. 


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