what does a two year old kid do all day? a lot of scribbling, and mostly a lot of asking us to write down letters/numbers or draw stuff for her. here, sitting properly in the adult chair.
she loves W, no idea why. favourite number, 6, favourite color orange.
she is absolutely obsessed with the snow-plowing truck: "draw a truck!", "now draw another truck!"; "the truck came and bit me."; "the truck fell into the river"; "the truck bumped me and the buss said sorry" - trucks are exciting and scary, buses are nice, obviously. |
puts on my hat and comes to me with her boots : "put monsters on!" (her boots have monsters on them). then she comes with the jacket, and a random bag: "bye-bye! i'm going shopping", or "i'm going to school", "i will see you soon!". usually around 9.30 pm, right before bedtime. |
always eats on the run, or while playing in her improvised kitchen (see below). i laughed when the daycare worker asked me if she eats alone with a spoon. i mean she could, but she would be soaked at the end, because she doesn't tolerate bibs, so i'm postponing it til summer. she breaks her own bread, eats cut meat, grapes broken in half, slivers of apples, bites from bananas, and generally, in the good tradition of indian cuisine, just takes stuff with her hands and puts it in her mouth. water, shamefully, still from the baby bottle. |
on her birthday celebration at home, reviewing gifts from bunica. currently bangs at the mini-piano until batteries fall off, and knows the romanian alphabet with words for each letter. and has worn a number of glittery skirts lately, notably on top of pyjamas when she goes to bed (by request). |
mostly uses the potty to sit on (fully dressed), or to throw objects in. at least she knows it's a potty, and has a book about a girl going potty, so i think we're on the right path here? |
likes going out a lot! on weekends, she will go and whine in front of the entrance door, holding her jacket, scarf and hat. on her birthday we took her to the supermarket and put her in a trolley for the first time in her life! she adored that. otherwise, she just runs the length of the block in front of her grandmother, who can't keep up with her. we didn't go anywhere far this winter, because since october at least one person in the house at any given time has been down with cold. just recently had the first sleighing expedition of the year. |
with friends in her age group (i.e. diaper wearers) at daycare, making a line to go have their diapers changed. i was there for her birthday "party" and thought it was precious! look how cute they are. the girl in front is her best friend, m. ("i want to hug and kiss m.!" - usually late in the evening). i feel a bit uncomfortable posting pics of these kids here, but 1) who in montreal reads my blog anyway? and 2) their pics are generally up on the daycare fb page anyway, so. |
from the actual party. yes, i know they eat junk! whatever, i'm not giving her that at home, and she enjoys going to daycare, and it's very close, so i'm just rolling my eyes at stuff like eating chips/donuts at birthday parties and also at the fact that she received a Barbie for christmas, and a pink kitchen set for her birthday. we actually love the kitchen set. also, the balloons are from me - and this after i had read how kids are not supposed to play with balloons - and yes, they were a big hit. (shrugs) |
spends lots of time in the kitchen! she actually took over the two shelves of the pantry that she can reach, and a low cabinet where we used to keep pots (now pots are all clumped in a corner and there's a large area strewn with kid's toys). ("what are you cooking, honey?"- "water!" - and then, of course, she comes and gives everyone a taste) |
finally went out sleighing at parc des hirondelles! there is a "regular" slope, which looks hella dangerous to me, super speedy and pretty long - and then there's a beginners' slope, but it's sort of bumpy, even if short enough that nothing happens to you if you fall after your sleigh turns over a bump! thatha (great-grandfather) was eager to experience it, and his second ride went much better than his first :) of course Rada only rides with naina (her dad). |
more things the kid says:
- as her birthday was a prolonged affair, there were two cakes within 1 week and lots of singing "bonne fete"; the week after, we bought zeppole from my favourite italian place and came home with them. as soon as she saw the box from the shop (it has distinctive ribbons) she started singing "bonne fete Rada".
(she actually sings a lot! she has a full repertoire of french and english songs, and hits the notes well)
- she likes hide and seek; usually locates a victim (most often her great-grandfather) and instructs them: "run after me!"; "you will hide!" - all through the downstairs.
- "i am cute with the dress", "i am cute with this hoodie" - obviously just repeating what she hears from everyone 1000 times a day. sorry not sorry, it's the absolute truth.
- stops in the middle of the kitchen and starts laughing, looking up at me. "why are you laughing, baby?" - "because i'm funny!"
- i used to sing her a made-up song (since she was very small) that goes like this: "she's the cutest and the sweetest baby in the world/ and i am so lucky to have this girl". one night i give her milk and hold her as she drinks, and comment, generally to the room :"isn't she the cutest baby?". she takes off the bottle from her mouth and says "you are lucky, mama".
- "you know, m. has two sisters. do you have any sisters, Rada?" - "no. i have you."
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