best of unposted 2018, non-baby related :)

it's a really tough call to do a post of non-baby (and no-family) pictures on the year you had a baby! but i am all about tough calls, so here goes.
yeah, don't worry, it's going to be a short post. i tried to do the "1 photo/month" thing, and i still don't have enough to cover every month. just take what you get, mmmkay
this is the last photo i took before i gave birth - just your regular dinner at THE south indian restaurant. pretty sure the chili bhajis had something to do with kicking the baby into coming out faster. anyway, the bhajis were very good, i totally recommend if anyone wants to induce labor.
photo taken by my husband right after the baby was born, i imagine. pretty sure this is the view from the room we had at the hospital, so i was already out of delivery, but no idea what i was actually doing all through that day. i just know it was very cold outside. but sunny. and a sunday.
wait, why is a non-baby post all about the baby again? nevermind.

february? march? everything is a haze. but i know every morning i fed the baby between 7 and 7.30, then i took her to her father, who was sleeping in the kitchen (we have strange arrangements in this house) and i was free for 2.5 hours. it's that kind of times when you're struck by the beauty of the world and how amazing everything would be if you just didn't have this one problem - in my case, breastfeeding. or sleep deprivation, i guess. 

all of a sudden it was spring! 

then, almost summer. i spent all this year walking around the neighbourhood, mostly, in summer, with the baby in a carrier. but back then (may) we were still going everywhere together. b. was still carrying the baby, me taking artsy photos in the park. so in a way this post is mostly about the neighbourhood and the park.  

example: me suddenly being very interested in kids and their interactions. and there is SO MANY of them everywhere!
also, this picture was taken the day before b.'s interview for PR.

during my walks in july i discovered this personal favourite, a cul-de-sac that feels exactly like a village back lane. there's a raspberry bush right there in the middle, and the raspberries tasted like the ones in my childhood, heated in the sun.

end of summer in parc jarry by the lake. every year these flower rows grow taller and more colorful.

after a long period of no more photos, i gave it up for november snow and these delightful clumps of (probably poisonous) whatever-berries-they-are.


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