almost 7 weeks old already - the most exhausting weeks of my life so far. is it getting easier? probably, but i don't want to jinx it by declaring anything. So, here is Rada Balaji - just over 3 kgs at birth, and hasn't made it to 4 kgs yet. small kid, but healthy and OMG hungry!we still don't know who she looks like, except sometimes she has my facial expressions (when she's gearing up to cry, for example). color of eyes undefined, hair, not much. |
this canadian citizen already has: a social security number, a place in line for a nursery, more and better clothes than me (she has to grow into 95% of them - thank you everybody who sent parcels and stuff), and is terrorizing the whole house - well, at least me and tina. |
nicknames: "drunk dwarf", "milks", "milk demon", " velociraptor", "baby neighing horse", "baby small banana". |
documentation of our struggle with the bottle/formula supplementing. her father is the responsible parent in this household, down to stuff like bathing her and carrying her around in the boba wrap AND the baby-bjorn.
we don't have many pictures of her, mostly because b. takes videos primarily. this pic - with a new toy - was taken in an attempt to document the extent of her eyelashes. |
hmmm, not sure how blogging is going to go from now on. all that's on my mind is: 1)breastfeeding and, 2)when will she grow up a bit, so we can do stuff? no time for anything else really, there's barely time for coping. am i happy? mostly stuck in disbelief and amazement at how strange this is, and insecurity about everything i'm doing. but you know, she's alive! and, judging by how she eats, she will hopefully thrive. our resilient kid.
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