i mean i know it's fall, but these past 2-3 weeks have truly been the hottest we've had this year. case in point, today, 32 degrees C, "feels like 41". thank you, september! according to the weather channel, which i check religiously since moving to canada, we have two more days until reverting to normal, boring 15-18C. i will welcome that as well, as it would make it easier to sleep at night. but i have definitely enjoyed this unexpected stretch of heat and sunny times.
it feels a bit strange, because from my kitchen window i can see leaves across the street turning yellow and brown - and there's always a bunch of the dried, crunchy ones that make that satisfying sound under my sandals, as i pass by in...sandals, skirt and tank top, and sunglasses, sweating profusely.
at this point, i try to not get out of the house before 6 if i can help it - and it gets dark after 7, so it may be tough to get the maximum out of the combination of breathable air+evening light. mostly we go on walks aimed for various neighbourhoods, but for me it's fun to be downtown or in the plateau even after dark, with so many people trying to make the most out of the weather. not so good for taking photos, though. so i'll go with the little i have.
parc jarry remains a favourite "destination" (15 minutes walk from home). and of course everyone's picnicking, barbecuing and having balloon-filled birthday parties. we go, sit on a bench and look at people walking their babies around and at kids on bikes - it's very entertaining. |
it's a bit overwhelming to try to take photos, because my thing is always to include as much as possible in the frame, but that can be counterproductive. here i did just one group per pic |
it's true that this was on a weekend night (saturday?) but come on, look at this line! in front of the Pizzeria Napoletana, on Dante, apparently one of the most famous pizza places in Little Italy. Bonus, also close enough to home that i almost don't consider eating there "going out". alright, so i've been only once, but on a normal weekday afternoon, as i'd like to think sensible locals do. (it's good, but after 10 ys in canada i am still not such a fan of...food, that i would wait in line) |
instead, we were sitting in a park across the street (by the nice church, Madonna della Difesa), eating tiramisu-to-go with plastic spoons and people-watching. better to be prepared than hungry when you walk through Little Italy on weekends | | | |
a crowd i didn't photograph and i regret it deeply, but it would've been kind of insensitive: orthodox jewish people on a saturday evening, getting out of various synagogues (shabbat service, i imagine) all over outremont and mile end.we were walking in outremont, so we started seeing groups emerging and at first we didn t think much of it, but then the crowds got thicker and thicker. mostly men in their traditional black coats, white stockings and fur hats (in this heat!) and kids in white shirts, vests and caps. fascinating.
continuing the religious thread, i've been wondering for a long time what that strange church could be. it's a bit north of our usual walking grounds, just off st laurent. i used to see it all the time crossing on jarry to parc-ex. finally, the enigma is solved: it's a catholic (!) chaldean church. |
and our little backyard/back alley, where i've been taking my "outfit photos" recently (coming up soon!) after 6, obviously. the focus, and the sun, is on our neighbours' porch, but ours is just the same. |
new recipe for apple cake! apparently i always go crazy with apples this time of the year, no matter the temperatures. next month it'll be all about pumpkins. |
cozier and cozier...tina in a patch of sun. also on display, my late august/early september reads. |
aiders and abetters to cats' worst habits |
it's always at night! we cook so then we have to open the door, so we have to let the cat out, so then we have to keep an eye on the cat. this might be my favourite picture of the moment, i think it represents so well the coziness of summer nights, and what my life is like these days. |
it's been so nice - now bring on the fall temperatures, i'm ready to wear some layers and sleep properly, without the fan always buzzing at my ear.
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