first world problems of body and mind.

happy new year to everyone...or something. it's probably the first time in about 12 years that i can legitimately say i'm too busy to blog, so there. but it feels good, i'd be happy if i wasn't a bit terrified. aw, strike that: i am happy.
so i did fine in my previous courses, but this semester i've got a 5 course load, which everybody says is crazy. the direct effect is that tuesday through friday is madness. by friday morning, i probably have barely slept the previous 3 nights, and i forget who i am, and i have zero groceries left and my trash and undone laundry are taking over the house. it takes a long weekend to get back to something closer to normal.

some positives about being busy:
- it's winter, who cares? admittedly the winter hasn't been so tough as last year, so that helps. but if i find myself out of the house at -22C with no tights under my jeans...i just try to run and hope for the best. yesterday i was like, oh, it's quite nice and warm outside...then i saw it was -7.
-  right now, as i'm writing, it's 5 pm and still light out! which is quite amazing. when did a whole month just...go?

some other things that take my time:
1) the obvious one, "The Wire" - obvious because everyone i've talked to this year has heard this before, and they're lucky if they only heard it once.
i've watched through the 5 seasons in a reasonable two weeks, finished right after the first week of school. if this were another person or another series, you would say it was good timing. now i'm rewatching it, at the rate of about an episode per day. i've had nights when i slept 4 hours instead of 5, because, rewatch! which makes a lot of sense especially when i'm on deadlines of sorts or right before a quiz.

side effects: i-haven't-slept-in-a-week eyes
side effects: cereal selection
other side effects: baltimore gangsta slang used in general conversation
also, alienating my friends and classmates. you're welcome! 
2) hot yoga. or something. not really sure this is yoga that is happening. anyway, i'm volunteering at this yoga place, in return for illimited yoga time. which some of you would have realized that is not really the greatest idea right now, when i don't even have limited time on my hands.
except for trying out yoga, and "the wire".
now let's be serious, i'm not really trying it out. just going to the class, sitting on the mat and trying to copy what people around me do, without fainting. (fainting mostly due to temperature).
any insights so far? no really. i think it's "the wire"that's responsible for the insights part these days.
but i will say it's pretty fantastic to go from -20C to 30C, and sometimes just be there in the hot room and look out into the street.
also, i took this opportunity and went and bought myself tights from american apparel, which is a first and probably a last for me.

man. i have not even taken out my former christmas tree yet. that's kind of depressing.


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