this is a small round-up of august, in terms of home improvement, or, you know, 'improvement'. i bought/got a couple of stuff, some by prompting, which i hope make my place look more like an actual inhabited space. this continues to be the goal - after all, i still have at least 10 months to live here. it`s all good.
i found these cupboard doors in the street. who could have asked for better frames for collages? so i started one right away - apparently i had some issues to...visualize, or something. it`s all vancouver and montreal things i`d kept along the way. |
it ended up being called 'things he hasn`t seen' (but of course)...and promptly half-tucked behind a plant. but it`s part of here, now, and it can`t be undone. |
this, a thing i`d avoided before. it turns out it is super useful when you shower rather than take baths. it had seemed to me, for whatever reason, that a shower curtain means there`s more than 1 person living in the apartment. isn`t it weird how perceptions get shaped? also, after 10 months, i got around to opening my skylight. just a peek. for ventilation purposes, whatever. |
more plants! i bought mint from the marketplace, it seemed a funny idea to just pick up mint leaves from the pot for tea-making purposes. we`ll see how this works out in colder weather. also, 2 geraniums for the price of one. |
general view of the plant niche (where the washing machine used to be) and my so-called mantelpiece, where objects continue to accumulate. case in point - this mirror. |
it was 4$ at the renaissance store. quite a load to carry home. i obviously bought it for the tiny doors... |
...especially this illustration of traditional quebec architecture and husbandry |
isn`t it cute? and while i keep it open, nobody can tell what`s behind doors. |
yay blackboard. finally. i got this from my former workplace (FORMER WORKPLACE huh) after side-eyeing it for months. complete with autograph from my former boss on the back of it. i know the placement right above the dishrack might not seem optimal, really fits there. waiting for other ideas. also included: new cute bowls and teapot, because...cold weather, tea, know. |
all the books i bought this month. integration, style and spanish...makes sense to me, i dunno. now just to get through them. |
and my hipstery pursuits: button-wearing, festival movies-going, trying to capture moments in too-expensive artsy cards. |
could i be smiling any more widely without damaging my jaw? don`t think so. this is not a selfie. it`s been a good month.
c. |
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