Montreal, feb, 22-23, 2011
we sat in the back row, all those empty seats sprawling ahead
we sat in the back row, all those empty seats sprawling ahead
we fooled around a bit, just because, then stopped and watched the movie instead.
i recall nothing of it, the flicker of a vibe behind the eyelids, but even now i wake up
some mornings with that soundtrack in my head, tinny and broken.
past midnight at the metro, your week-pass had expired
so we faced each other for a long moment across the turnstile
til you found change for the machine. it was bitter cold, my coat too thin,
all along Mont-Royal cardboard piles lay stacked in the snow for recycling night.
earlier that day, my silver ring had slipped off and gone, leaving
an ominous lightness. you'd never seen me cry before, nevermind over so small a thing
so i sobbed harder, i howled in your arms. for everything clung to, everything lost
for all that's mine alone, however much i'd like to share or let go.
at 3 a.m. we were still on the blue sofa, replaying youtubes,
at 3 a.m. we were still on the blue sofa, replaying youtubes,
our knees not even touching, like solemn strangers in waiting rooms
tending to separate worries, hoping by morning something will have lifted
or opened, so whatever had happened with us wouldn't have to be spoken.

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