daytrip to mediaş

this will be, i guess, a post of few words and many pictures, because the story of how/why i went to the lovely town of mediaş is not mine to share, but what i saw there is clearly mine.

the railway station is horrendous, like most railway stations in romania. as a bonus, this one apparently manages to misspell the name of the town it's in.
these specific plants are to be found everywhere in the central park/squares. i thought the idea of the flower pots arranged as a tree was cute
classic shot of cobbled street+old houses+church spire
former central library building, now abandoned - for shame!!
this figure, of a woman spinning yarn (on top of a building, duh) seems to be the mascot of the town, according to the postcards/fridge magnets we've seen

this is the entrance to a serious building! i wonder what its story is
classic shot of...old buildings at odd angles. including the kastell bookshop, which has nice stuff and nice staff
classic shot of...cobblestones and archways
this is inside the walls that surround the old church and an old's like a yard, with additional smaller yards and corridors and stairs going down into the central square. very charming.
i loved the inside of the church as well. it's small compared to the bistrita one for example, but it's got the goods!! organ, check. wonderful old altar, of a structure i had never seen before (but is apparently pretty common, just that i'm not an altar-expert) - check. they have three or four altars in there actually, because they saved some from other old churches in the area, where they couldn't have been well preserved. old church benches - check; bonus: some of them were carved deeply with names/words/dates, from as far back as the 19th century, i don't know if older....faint, very old painting on the walls - check.
extra bonus - the church visit coincided with a bout of rain, so it also made a good shelter.
rooftops...see how asymmetricaly the little round window is placed.

ooops i just noticed the WC sign
classic ...classic.

rooftops up close

can't get enough of them
postcard material, y/n?
and there's more
all the stairs leading into towers had a roof covering them! is this about the rain, i wonder?
how about this unique design?
detail off my favourite door/gate in medias
why would one leave buildings like this in total disrepair?
i took this photo for the smiling monkeyface, obviously.

is "realizing lies" a thing? anyway, good job!
yeah, i found most medias postcards pretty subpar generally, so i might have some suggestions to postcard makers about stuff they might want to put on locally-themed pictures. hint: right in front of your nose, guys!
and the synagogue, which got to be photographed only on account of the train being late (i.e. we went back from the station to photograph the synagogue. high five!)
so it was a cool trip, not to mention the film we saw there (for free!), the lunch we ate on a covered patio (during rain!) (very good mushroom dishes!) and the there-and-back train trips (two different types of train, different types of atmosphere).

highly recommended for a daytrip, really.


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