it's not cold, but lately it's been foggy and wet. it still gets dark between 4 and 5. and it's getting harder and harder to take a clear picture with my camera. it's true that the camera needs a new battery (a fact sorely confirmed in zaragoza), but i also choose to call this a metaphor for these days.and anyway, i've kept promising myself that this blog will become more of a words thing and less of a picture-only thing. but still:
the undeniable truth is that nothing much has been going on. which is not bad, don't get me wrong. i stay in, make soup, read through the batch of novels i got for the holidays, read stories in russian (!!), do the small things i have to do.
however!! a lot of more or less things are apparently happening to my friends or/and people i care about VERY VERY SOON. i'm looking forward to all of these events but i don't want to mention any thing more specific, from fear of jinxing. anyway, all of this is making me optimistic and i can't wait to crash their parties with my vicarious joy!
also: today is the 2nd inaugural. in case you didn't know. so i haven't really been doing anything the whole day, except jumping up and down and reading self-congratulatory daily kos threads. i figure once a year it's allowed.
ok. talking about inconclusive blurry pictures of this blurry beginning:
i returned to zaragoza to my orchid in bloom! i allowed myself to take it as a good sign |
my current exhibition of cards: see sonia, the door made it here (i think last tuesday?) |
i got a new ring! haha. actually it's part of a set, which everyone who sees it feels they have to instruct me about, as if i didn't know but decide not to care. for me, it's a rememberance of a good night with friends, and, (dana!) a promise that i have to help with carrying some books soon. |
IULIA PAID A VISIT, YOU GUYS!!!!i hadn't seen her in...7 years? something like that. i felt awkward to align the girls for a group picture, especially that i was the one not doing anything in that kitchen. |
tarte tatin, just taken out of the oven... |
and the upside-down version, before it flooded giulia's floor with pear juice.(i didn't eat any of it!!! i'm on a non-desert-eating policy at the moment) |
intentionally blurry pic to sort-of-show the desigual coat i bought in zaragoza! |
love all,
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