having fun with my mum

these pics were taken on my visit to my parents', on a day trip with my mum to their 'countryside' place. we spent a whole afternoon there, ostensibly relaxing....actually, re-arranging/ getting rid of more of the old furniture. and picking veggies and all that. and photoshooting. 

1. in the garden: me and my mum together are able to laugh for 5 minutes just looking at some plants. specifically, at these little ornamental bushes. they are everywhere in romania, i tell you!  they grow extremely fast and expand and take over...we see them all the time on car trips, by the side of the road and climbing house walls. we've got a theory that they are extraterrestrial life forms.

these are serious photos, to show off my mother's flowers. pretty.

2. in the house:  my mum just got new furniture made to order.
mum: "of course i didn't tell your father how much it cost. what does it help him to know?"
mum: " you should have told me you were taking a picture, i would've closed that cupboard door!"

3. upstairs: my mum just had two side closets built, with mobile doors. when both closets are open, the doors join to insulate a little niche with a window...i've claimed it as my room! of course! (see behind there!)

see, it just needs a few blankets and pillows and it's the ideal spot for reading on a rainy day...with a cup of...hot chocolate or something. mother of all true cliches.

we tried to take more photos inside, to demonstrate the potential of my little corner.
hit me up with pillow donations, and, if you're not squeamish re: outdoor bathrooms, you are invited on 'cabin weekends' anytime. big if, so you've gotta be warned.

4. aaand the big deed we did that day:
burning down the old armchair that was sitting/taking up space under the stairs. also a bit eaten by mice and stuff. it was a big fire. and a big conspiracy because ~ my father shouldn't find out! it took time to convince mum that there's no way in hell my father will get on my blog. unless she shows him how.
otherwise, the official version is: "what armchair? i don't remember."

5. home in bistrita: in the meantime my father returned from work - he found a small plush toy in the street. picked it up, brought it in and washed it, hung it out to dry.
me: "what in the world are you going to do with it?"
dad: "what, you're afraid it will take up too much space?"
me: "how normal are you even?"
dad: "you're collecting penguins!"

not pictured: lime green shoes i convinced my mum to buy me.
good visit, people, high fives all around.


  1. it's so wonderful... so nice pictures... u r brilliant


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