we´ve been dealing with a case of the dog days for a while...so my parents´garden needs real old fashioned watering. we don´t have a well or a hose, but there´s a water pump right between our garden and the neighbours´, and then there are plastic buckets. sigh. and there´s my mum, who wants to tend each plant individually. etc. we had to wait til sunset, because otherwise the soil would have been too hot (i am learning agriculture things!!!)
meanwhile, dad sprinkles the leaves of the veggies with i´m-not-sure-i-want-to-know-what |
and i discover the pleasures of pumping to refill the container. apparently it´s a good arm workout ...or something? |
and at the end the garden looks sort-of-happy....i´m pretty pleased to see the change since one month ago. these plants are really growing!! there were three or four cucumbers of our own production, plus there´s a 3 centimeter long pumpkin. |
a small river runs on the other side of the road, so in the evening we went to look at the water. here´s one of our neighbours... |
carrying water from the river for his own garden. |
and a pretty nice sunset, if i say so myself. |
i crossed the river with my shoes on, it was not even knee-deep. of course i had to try and record the sound of the water.
my parents keep telling me we have a colony of storks nearby, who come in the evenings to sit in a fir tree on our land. maybe that was before they hatched, cause we´ve never seen them since. i took this photo in the village, so the young storks are already doing their flying lessons and all...there were some by the river (catching fish?), but they just annoyed me by flying off whenever i wanted to take out the camera.
ugh stork, y u no cooperate a little? |
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