always listen to the lyrics

i really hope these videos are successfully embedded, because if not, i have no idea what to do (technology: not my strong point.  etc.)
anyway, the story behind these carols is: i was at my grandpa's last weekend, that's my mother's side of the family. he is very religious, as i might have said before, and a stickler for tradition, so the easiest to bond with him is through these kinds of rituals. which i don't mind at all. so we sit at the table and we start carolsinging - grandpa and mum and dad and i.
first it was like, let's find some carols that we all know, the mainstream ones. it soon turned out that usually after the first stanza two versions diverged - me and my father knew the escu version (that's the village where i grew up), my mum and her father knew the local version from budesti. fun.
next stage, my dad asks, what were those old funny songs you used to sing, that i liked? and grandpa starts with an old gypsy carol about the making of adam and eve (i didn't record it, had no device on me, but i took down the lyrics). then he and mum remember more and more of their local carols, and let me tell you, this explains a lot! these are old testament-based carols, not full of warm fuzzies like most of the season's fare.

romanian speakers, i hope you enjoy! english speakers, i'm trying to do a semi-translation:

1. (first video): at the gate of heaven/sits the mother of god/with a yellow glass in her hand/ she's [drinking and] sobbing/the angels come and ask her/why are you crying, dear mother?/[she says], there are people on earth/without an ounce of belief ( my mum skips this line and just repeats the previous one)/ when they wake up in the morning/they don't even wash their faces/they just go straight to the pub/and take god's name in vain./ i feel like killing them with lightning/but i take pity on the children/cause they would be left poor and lonely.

2. (second video) - this is what my mum called the "apocalypse song", very fitting, as it was december 22nd.

[please, god, let us know]/about the end of time/ so we find out about it beforehand/ through the signs you send us./ i will send you signs beforehand/according to what you deserve/ i will send crippling disease/to you and your cattle/ and then your prayers will be in vain/cause god won't listen to you.

the chorus all throughout the song is "oh,christ,son of god".

then at the end my mum says one of the traditional formulas: " may you, our host, be merry/and pay for this carol...from your carolsinger(s)" - and i'm like,"yeah, right".


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